©2017 版权归弗锐思(北京)动漫科技有限公司限公司所有

京ICP备17054993号 网站建设:中企动力 北京



1. 企业精神:诚信,高效,创新,合作,共赢

1. Enterprise spirit: Customer first, integrity, efficiency, innovation, cooperation and win-win situation

2. 经营理念: 诚信为本,优质产品,客户至上,互惠互利

2. Business philosophy: integrity-based, high-quality products, customer first, mutual benefit

3. 质量方针:质量第一,安全第一,让客户放心,让游客开心

3. Quality policy: quality first, safety first, let customers assured, let visitors happy

4. 管理原则: 公司利益第一;公平,公正,公开(在制度面前人人平等,不允许有特殊)

4. Management principle: Corporate interests are more important than anything else, Fair, Just, Open. Everyone is equal before the system, Make no exception。

5. 职业道德的标准:忠诚,敬业,勤奋,负责

5. Employee Professional Ethics: Loyal, dedicated, hardworking and responsible

6. 处理企业内部人际关系坚持四讲:大事讲原则,小事讲风格,同事讲感情,工作讲配合

6. Deal with the relationship between insiders, stand on four points: Principle on something bigger, Attitude on something smaller, Emotion on Colleague, Cooperation on work .

7. 员工应具备的四种意识:服从意识,创新意识,责任意识,协作意识

7. Employees should have four kinds of consciousness: obedience consciousness, innovation consciousness, sense of responsibility and cooperation consciousness

8. 工作态度与工作方法提倡“四勤,四定“:脑勤,嘴勤,手勤,腿勤;定性,定量,定时,定点。

8. Working attitude and working methods of promoting: Think often, communicate often, diligent hands, diligent legs; Qualitative, quantitative, timing, fixed-point.

9. 企业奋斗目标与愿景:建设优秀的队伍,营建优美的环境,制造优质的产品,打造一流品牌;立足中国市场,面向国际市场,不断扩大市场占有率,创造最好的经济效益和社会效益,让企业与员工共享发展成果。

9. Objective of the Struggle: Building an excellent team, Create a favorable environment, Make high quality products, Building the first brand, Based on the domestic market, facing oversea markets, Expanding market share, Strive for maximum economic benefit, Let businesses and employees share the success of the enterprise.